What to Expect
Every church is different and we know there can be many questions when visiting a church for the first time. This page will give you an idea of what to expect when you come to North Garland. Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
What should I wear?
At North Garland you will see people dressed in anything from jeans and polo to a full suit and tie. The majority of people will probably wear something of a business casual like slacks with a button shirt or skirt and blouse.
What is the worship service like?
Sunday worship service starts at 10:00 AM, goes about an hour, and there are around 150 people worshipping together on a normal week. Our service generally opens with a song or two followed by someone welcoming everyone with scripture and prayer. There will be a few more songs followed by communion (Lord’s Supper *see below). After a few more songs there will be a sermon from the Bible that will be about 25 minutes in length. The worship service ends with a song, announcements, and prayer. Sometimes we change it all up and do something different as far as the order, but we stick with the content.

Something that you may find unique is that our singing is all a cappella. What is that you ask? That just means that there are not any instruments. One of our worship leaders stands up front and leads a variety of hymns like “Amazing Grace” and “Come Thou Fount” as well as worship songs you may hear on the radio such as “10,000 Reasons” or “Mighty to Save.”
What is available for my children?
We greatly value youth and children at our church. You will often see one of our young people lead a prayer or reading a scripture during service. Sometimes we even have all the young kids come on stage to sing a song or read a book. Each week we begin our worship service with a time devoted to our young ones, who are 3 yrs old through 1st grade called Pilgrim’s Praise. During this time they will sing songs and have a lesson tailored to their age.
Are there Bible Classes?
Yes! There are Bible Classes for all ages from 9:00-9:45. Sometimes they are topical and sometimes they are on a book of the Bible. For a description of the classes check out the class page.
What is Communion (also called the Lord’s Supper)?
Communion is a time during the service each week where we take a few minutes to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross to save us from our sins. Before Christ was arrested he shared a final meal together with those closest to him. During that meal he passed around a loaf of bread and a cup of wine. He told them this was to remind them that his body was broken and his blood was shed for them. We remember the same thing each week when we break crackers together and drink from small cups with grape juice. You can choose to share with us in this or not as you feel comfortable.