Missions Ministry
The goal of the North Garland missions ministry is to support monetarily as well as hands on in the following ministries.

The Emperados have worked for a number of years planting churches and maturing congregations. Richard directs a preaching school called M.O.S.E.S. (Mobile Outreach School of Evangelism and Shepherding). Austin Ave. Church of Christ in Brownwood TX, oversees funds for Richard and Becky Emperado.
Eighteen rolling wooded acres northwest of Geary, Oklahoma are home to Lariat Creek Christian Camp, which began operation in 1973. The camp is used as a wholesome, spiritual atmosphere for campers to enjoy recreation and entertainment.
Our support/work:
- Budgeted monthly support (support one of the cabins)
- Continue to work with LCCC Annual fellowship/work day
Visit LCCC’s website here.

ALVA BIBLE CHAIR (Campus Ministry):
The Bible Chair is a religious fellowship and service club sponsored by the Church of Christ but is open to all members of faiths who share common aims. The purpose of the club is spiritual enlightenment and enjoyment in a Christian context. The group meets at the Student Fellowship Building, 1108 College Blvd.
Our support/work:
- Budgeted monthly support
- Host occasional dinners
Visit Alva Bible Chair’s website here.
Forgotten Ministries
Forgotten Ministries was developed in Enid, Oklahoma in 2009 by Jeremiah & Sarah
Herrian . Enid was a very unlikely place to start a homeless ministry however the needs
were evident once we decided to look deeper into the desperation and depravity of this
small town. Sarah is originally from Los Angeles, California and Jeremiah from a small town
in Oklahoma. They met on the mission field and soon felt led to lead in ways only God could
provide. They started on the streets of Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles and followed
Gods leading to Enid, Oklahoma. Serving together they soon realized God had a desire for
them to lead in full time missions. This sparked a joy in their hearts to be the hands & feet of
Jesus wherever they went. The ministry started as a small mobile ministry taking clothing,
food, worship, teaching, and providing home renovations to those that needed it the most.
Forgotten Ministries has exploded with opportunities for our community and the
communities around us to serve and love on the broken.
Right now, Forgotten Ministries consists of an Emergency Homeless Shelter, Men and
Women Transitional Housing, Weekly Programs for Kids, Mission
Trips, and extensive community outreach opportunities.
We rely solely on our partners in ministry and prayerfully ask God to bring workers and
support along this journey. Please be praying on how you can partner and start on this
journey to loving those that God is desperately pursuing.
Visit the Forgotten Ministries website here.